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  • Estonia grapples with political fallout from its own refugee crisis.

    The Estonian prime minister said that taking 150 refugees was "adequate," but right-wing parties in the Riigikogu, Estonia's 101-seat parliament, are critical The Conservative People's Party (EKRE), which

    Abstract: Very little investigation is done on refugees in Estonia and

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    A court in Estonia has sentenced a Syrian refugee to 10 years' imprisonment for setting fire to his wife in front of their Mohammed, who arrived in Estonia with his family from Greece last year, had been

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    Kari Käsper: Estonia's refugee debate

    Estonia needs a balanced refugee policy that works with its nation state status argues Estonian MP Marko Mihkelson.
    Estonia has also previously (2016-2018) received refugees in the framework of resettlement, but stopped it for political

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    This study on the construction of the experiences of refugees and asylum seekers in Estonia has been

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    According to the Estonian Over the last 18 years, from 1997 to May 2015
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Estonia′s past plays into refugee debate | Europe | DW | 26.09.2015

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In Estonia, the European migrant/refugee crisis has resonated particularly strongly This is somewhat surprising at the first glance, but actually quite expected, because it calls upon issues that are

Annual number of successful grants of asylum for refugees in Estonia

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An Estonian travel document for refugees is an internationally recognised travel document issued to refugees by the Police and Border Guard Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Estonia in accordance to the 1951 United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees.

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Estonia has supported UNRWA main activities since 2009 and at the Gaza donor conference in 2014 in Cairo pledged to

Estonia Refugee Statistics 2001-2021 | MacroTrends

Estonia helps to alleviate the humanitarian situation of Palestinian refugees

Estonia - Refugee Population By Country Or Territory Of Asylum

Estonian citizenship was to retain the right of visa-free travel to Russia; stateless residents Definition: This entry includes those persons residing in a country as refugees, internally displaced persons
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Estonia Refugee Statistics 2001-2021

Syrian refugee jailed for 10 years in Estonia after — RT World News

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Refugees are people who are recognized as refugees under the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of HTML Code (Click to Copy) Macrotrends.

Applying for asylum - International protection - Police and Border Guard

Understanding Integration in Estonia through the participation of refugees, integration stakeholders' experiences, and research January 2016 - November 2016 This document is for general distribution.


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